My Story, My Dream
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* My brother michel ws my supporter and my idol.

*My childhood was very happy and care free, and I spent most of my time with adults and children who were much older than me.

*I've never been able to get enough of the sea, the beach, the sun, and the heat.

* In Tokyo at the Yamaha Music Festival in 1982, before taking the stage, I found a five-yen piece on the floor and slipped it into my shoe. I've kept it for good luck ever since.

*Eddy Marnay was a master at knowing my thoughts. He knew better than anyone how to read me, and he wrote songs that were made-to-measure for.

* I owe so much to my beloved niece Karine. She opened my eyes to the sad realities of life.

*I love fire as much as water. I love it's reassuring presence, it's color, its scent.

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